第二部, 記號一(2.01)
It is no sign one way or the other that religious affections are very great, or raised very high.
Some are ready to condemn all high affections: if persons appear to have their religious affections raised to an extraordinary pitch, they are prejudiced against them, and determine that they are delusions without further inquiry. But if it be as has been 51 proved, that true religion lies very much in religious affections, then it follows, that if there be a great deal of true religion, there will be great religious affections; if true religion in the hearts of men be raised to a great height, divine and holy affections will be raised to a great height.
愛是一種情感;但會有任何基督徒說人不該用很高程度的愛去愛 神與耶穌嗎?會有任何基督徒說我們不該對罪惡有強烈的恨惡與深深的憂心嗎?或說我們不該為了 神對我們的憐憫、為了拯救墮落之人所行的大事,而對 神展現很高程度的感謝嗎?或是我們不該有強烈的渴望去跟隨 神,追求聖潔嗎?會有任何基督徒公然宣稱他在信仰上的情感已經夠大而說:「我不需要為了“我沒有因信仰的事更受感動(或繼續產生情感),超過現在的光景”而感到羞愧,我沒有理由因為“沒有展現對 神更大的愛、對罪更大的憂傷、對我已得到的憐憫有更多的感謝”而羞愧」?有誰會稱頌 神說:他因讀到並聽到 神對渺小如蟲卻悖逆的人類所發奇妙的愛,讓祂的獨生愛子為這等人類犧牲性命,又讀到並聽到基督受死的愛,而受的感動已經足夠,甚至禱告求 神不要使他受更大的感動,因為激昂的情感是一種狂熱,對真信仰有害,所以在基督徒中並不適當、極度令人討厭?
Love is an affection; but will any Christian say, men ought not to love God and Jesus Christ in a high degree? and will any say we ought not to have a very great hatred of sin, and a very deep sorrow for it? or that we ought not to exercise a high degree of gratitude to God, for the mercies we receive of him, and the great things he has done for the salvation of fallen men? or that we should not have very great and strong desires after God and holiness? Is there any who will profess that his affections in religion are great enough; and will say, “I have no cause to be humbled that I am no more affected with the things of religion than I am; I have no reason to be ashamed that I have no greater exercises of love to God, and sorrow for sin, and gratitude for the mercies which I have received?” Who is there that will bless God, that he is affected enough with what he has read and heard of the wonderful love of God to worms and rebels, in giving his only begotten Son to die for them, and of the dying love of Christ; and will pray that he may not be affected with them in any higher degree, because high affections are improper, and very unlovely in Christians, being enthusiastical and ruinous to true religion?
我們的經文「說不出來滿有榮光的大喜樂」明白提到強烈與高昂的情感:這種對情感的描述乃是語言所能表達的極致了。聖經也常要求我們展現極高的情感:律法中第一且最重要的誡命便是這樣,「你要盡心、盡性、盡力、盡意愛主─你的 神;」,這裡一句接一句,好像找不到合適的詞語表達我們該如何愛 神似的;聖徒也照樣被呼召要顯出極大的喜樂:基督對門徒說:「應當歡喜,大大快樂」(太五12另譯)。52詩六八3也這樣說:「惟有義人必然歡喜,在 神面前高興快樂。」同一部詩篇也常呼召聖徒要大聲歡呼;路六23還要聖徒因歡喜而跳躍。他們也多次被呼召要因 神的憐憫大大感謝,要「全心讚美 神,高興遵行耶和華的道(代下十七6),心尊主為大(路一46),歌唱讚美祂(詩一○六12),談論祂一切奇妙的作為!(詩一○五2)傳揚祂所行的(賽十二4)」……等等。
Our text plainly speaks of great and high affections, when it speaks of “ rejoicing repining rejoicing with joy unspeakable and full of glory:” here the most superlative expressions are used which language will afford. And the scriptures often require us to exercise very high affections: thus, in the first and great commandment of the law, there is an accumulation of expressions, as though words were wanting to express the degree in which we ought to love God; “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, with all thy soul, with all thy mind, and with all thy strength.” So the saints are called upon to exercise high degrees of joy; “Rejoice,” says Christ to his disciples, “and be exceeding glad,” Matt. v. 12. So it is said, Psalms lxviii. 3. “Let the righteous 52 be glad: let them rejoice before God; yea, let them exceedingly rejoice.” So in the same book of Psalms, the saints are often called upon to shout for joy; and in Luke vi. 23. to leap for joy. So they are abundantly called upon to exercise high degrees of gratitude for mercies, to “praise God with all their hearts, with hearts lifted up in the ways of the Lord, and their souls magnifying the Lord, singing his praises, talking of his wondrous works, declaring his doings,” &c.
我們也發現聖經中最傑出的聖徒常常表明自己極高的情感。詩篇作者就是這樣論到他的愛,彷彿無法形容似的:「我何等愛慕你的律法,終日不住地思想。」(詩一一九97)他也照樣表現出對罪極大的恨惡:「耶和華啊,恨惡你的,我豈不恨惡他們嗎?攻擊你的,我豈不憎嫌他們嗎?我切切地恨惡他們,以他們為仇敵。」(詩一三九21-22)他也表現出對罪極大的憂傷:他論到自己的罪孽,說他的罪「高過他的頭,如同重擔叫他擔當不起;他的終日唉哼,精液耗盡如同夏天的乾旱,」他的骨頭好似被憂傷折斷。照樣,他常用許多他所能想到最強烈的措辭,表現出極大的屬靈渴望,例如「他切慕,他的心在乾旱疲乏無水之地渴想 神,他急切而喘氣(另譯),他的肉體和心腸呼籲,他的心因切慕而心碎」……等等。他也訴說他因別人的罪而在心中產生極大且極度的哀傷「我的眼淚下流成河,因為他們不守你的律法。」(詩一一九136)還有53節「我見惡人離棄你的律法,就怒氣發作,猶如火燒。」他也訴說心中產生的強烈歡喜:「耶和華啊,王必因你的能力歡喜;因你的救恩,他的快樂何其大!」(詩廿一1)「我歌頌你的時候,我的嘴唇和你所贖我的靈魂都必歡呼;」(詩七一23)「因你的慈愛比生命更好,我的嘴唇要頌讚你。我還活的時候要這樣稱頌你;我要奉你的名舉手。53我在床上記念你,在夜更的時候思想你;我的心就像飽足了骨髓肥油,我也要以歡樂的嘴唇讚美你。因為你曾幫助我,我就在你翅膀的蔭下歡呼。」(詩六三3-7)
And we find the most eminent saints in scripture often professing high affections. Thus the Psalmist speaks of his love, as if it were unspeakable; Psalms cxix. 97. “O how love I thy law!” So he expresses a great degree of hatred of sin; Psalms cxxxix. 21,22. “Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with them that rise up against thee? I hate them with perfect hatred.” He also expresses a high degree of sorrow for sin: he speaks of his sins “going over his head, as an heavy burden, that was too heavy for him: and of his roaring all the day, and his moisture’s being turned into the drought of summer,” and his bones being as it were broken with sorrow. So he often expresses great degrees of spiritual desires in a multitude of the strongest expressions which can be conceived of; such as “his longing, his soul’s thirsting in as as a dry and thirsty land, where no water is, his panting, his flesh and heart crying out, his soul’s breaking for the longings it hath,” &c. He expresses the exercises of great and extreme grief for the sins of others, Psalms cxix. 136. “Rivers of water run down mine eyes, because they keep not thy law.” And verse 53. “Horror hath taken hold upon me, because of the wicked that forsake thy law.” He expresses high exercises of joy, Psalms xxi. 1. “The king shall joy in thy strength, and in thy salvation how greatly shall he rejoice!” Psalms lxxi. 23. “My lips shall greatly rejoice, when I sing unto thee.” Psalms lxiii. 3,4,5,6,7. “Because thy loving kindness is better than life: my lips shall praise thee. Thus will I bless thee while I live: I will lift up my hands in thy name. My soul shall be satisfied, as with marrow and fatness; and my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips: when I remember thee 53 upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night watches. Because thou hast been my help; therefore, in the shadow of thy wings, will I rejoice.”
使徒保羅會表達心中產生的強烈情感。他訴說他為別人的益處而心生憐憫與關切,甚至心裡難過痛苦,熱切而豐富的大愛,誠摯深切的渴望,極大的喜樂;他也訴說他因著同情、悲傷、切望,發出如 神那樣的忿恨,火熱,因而心靈歡樂誇勝,殷切期待盼望,多多眼淚,心靈受生產之苦。許多前述的經文已可看到,我就不再重複了。施洗約翰會表現出大喜樂(約三29)。那些用香膏抹耶穌身體的蒙福婦女們,在基督復活的時刻,也被說成是展現極高的信仰情感「婦女們就急忙離開墳墓,又害怕,又大大地歡喜,跑去要報給他的門徒。」(太廿八8)
The apostle Paul expresses high exercises of affection. Thus he expresses the exercises of pity and concern for others’ good, even to anguish of heart; a great, fervent, and abundant love, and earnest and longing desires, and exceeding joy; and speaks of the exultation and triumphs of his soul, and his earnest expectation and hope, and his abundant tears, and the travails of his soul, in pity, grief, earnest desires, godly jealousy, and fervent zeal in many places that have been cited already, and which therefore I need not repeat. John the Baptist expressed great joy, John iii. 29. Those blessed women that anointed the body of Jesus, are represented as in a very high exercise of religious affection, on occasion of Christ’s resurrection; Matt. xxviii. 8. “And they departed from the sepulchre, with fear and great joy.”
聖經常預言 神的教會將來在地上會有一段快樂時光,那時他們將要極度歡樂「知道向你歡呼的,那民是有福的!耶和華啊,他們在你臉上的光裏行走。他們因你的名終日歡樂,因你的公義得以高舉。」(詩八九15-16)「錫安的民哪,應當大大喜樂;耶路撒冷的民哪,應當歡呼。看哪,你的王來到你這裏!他是公義的,並且施行拯救,謙謙和和地騎著驢,就是騎著驢的駒子。」(亞九9)同樣的描述也在聖經多處出現。因為大喜樂是基督福音真實而適當的果子,所以天使稱這福音為「大喜的信息,是關乎萬民的;」
It is often foretold of the church of God, in her future happy seasons here on earth, that they shall exceedingly rejoice; Psalms lxxxix. 15,16. “They shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance. In thy name shall they rejoice all the day: and in thy righteousness shall they be exalted.” Zech. ix. 9. “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh,” &c. The same is represented in innumerable other places. And because high degrees of joy are the proper and genuine fruits of the gospel of Christ, therefore the angel calls this gospel, “good tidings of great joy that should be to all people.”
“天”是信仰臻於完美之處,天上的聖徒與天使因他們所見的景象大受感動,他們也思想 神的完美與作為。他們的愛、他們浩大的喜樂與感激,都純淨如屬天的火焰,他們的讚美被說成是「眾水的聲音,大雷的聲音」。重點是,他們的情感何以遠高過地上聖徒們的情感?只有一個理由,54就是那使他們感動的事物,乃是更按其真實的樣貌呈現在他們眼前,他們的情感也更符合那些事物的本質。因此,如果地上的信仰情感和天上的信仰情感仍是相同的本質與類別,那麼地上的情感愈高昂、程度上愈接近天上的情感,就愈好,因為這樣一來,地上的情感便更符合其真實的樣貌。
The saints and angels in heaven, that have religion in its highest perfection, are exceedingly affected with what they behold and contemplate of God’s perfections and works. They are all as a pure heavenly flame of fire in their love, and in the greatness and strength of their joy and gratitude: their praises are represented “as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder.” Now the only reason why their affections are so much higher than the holy affections of saints on earth, is, they 54 see the things they are affected by, more according to their truth, and have their affections more conformed to the nature of things. And, therefore, if religious affections in men here below, are but of the same nature and kind with theirs, the higher they are, and the nearer they are to theirs in degree, the better; because therein they will be so much the more conformed to truth as theirs are.
From these things it certainly appears that religious affections being in a very high degree is no evidence that they are not such as have the nature of true religion. Therefore they do greatly err, who condemn persons as enthusiasts, merely because their affections are very high.
另一方面,信仰情感也絕不因其巨大而為其屬靈、神聖的的證據。我們按照聖經(聖經乃是我們判斷這等事的明確無誤準繩)可很清楚看出,有些極高昂的信仰情感並不屬靈,也不具有救贖功效。使徒保羅提到加拉太人極高昂的情感時,明白表示他擔憂那情感虛妄徒勞,歸於徒然:「你們當日所誇的福氣在哪裏呢?那時你們若能行,就是把自己的眼睛剜出來給我,也都情願。這是我可以給你們作見證的。」(加四15)而在第11節保羅告訴他們「我為你們害怕,惟恐我在你們身上是枉費了工夫」。照樣,當以色列人看到 神在紅海為他們行了何等奇事,他們便因 神向他們發憐憫而大受感動,在紅海歌唱讚美 神,不過他們很快就忘了 神的作為。照樣,當他們在西乃山看到 神奇妙地向他們顯現時,他們又大受感動,而且似乎得了極大的勇氣,所以當 神向他們提出聖約時,他們帶著極大的熱切回答:「耶和華所吩咐的,我們都必遵行。」(出廿四3,7)這熱切與勇氣都是情感,但如此劇烈的情感怎麼那麼快就消失了?他們怎麼那麼快就轉向別 神 ,繞著他們的金牛犢歡呼喊叫!55許多人因耶穌使拉撒路復活的神蹟受感動,情感極為高昂,並且做了一件了不得的事,就是當耶穌隨後要進耶路撒冷時,他們對基督極為尊崇,覺得腳下之地彷彿沒有資格讓基督所騎的驢子踩踏似的,便砍下棕樹枝,或脫下衣服,鋪在路上,高聲喊叫說「和散那歸於大衛的子孫!」、「奉主名來的是應當稱頌的!」、「高高在上和散那!」而使全城再次歡騰,眾人喧囂。
And, on the other hand, it is no evidence that religious affections are of a spiritual and gracious nature, because they are great. It is very manifest, by the holy scripture, our sure and infallible rule to judge of things of this nature, that there are religious affections, which are very high, that are not spiritual and saving. The apostle Paul speaks of affections in the Galatians, which had been exceedingly elevated, and which yet he manifestly speaks of as fearing that they were vain, and had come to nothing, Gal. iv. 15. “Where is the blessedness you spoke of? for I bear you record that if it had been possible, you would have plucked out your own eyes and have given them to me.” And in the 11th verse he tells them, “he was afraid of them, lest he had bestowed upon them labour in vain.” So the children of Israel were greatly affected with God’s mercy to them, when they had seen how wonderfully he wrought for them at the Red Sea, where they sang God’s praise, though they soon forgot his works. So they were greatly affected again at Mount Sinai, when they saw the marvellous manifestations God made of himself there; and seemed mightily engaged in their minds, and with great forwardness made answer, when God proposed his holy covenant to them, saying, “All that the Lord hath spoken will we do, and be obedient.” But how soon was there an end to all this mighty forwardness and engagedness of affection? how quickly were they turned aside after other gods, rejoicing and shouting around their 55 golden calf! So great multitudes, who were affected with the miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead, were elevated to a high degree, and made a mighty ado, when Jesus presently after entered into Jerusalem, exceedingly magnifying Christ, as though the ground were not good enough for the ass he rode to tread upon; and therefore cut branches of palm trees, and strewed them in the way; yea, pulled off their garments and spread them in the way, and cried with loud voices, “Hosanna to the son of David, blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest;” so as to make the whole city ring again, and put all into an uproar.
We learn by the evangelist John, that the reason why the people made this ado, was because they were affected with the miracle of raising Lazarus, John xii. 18. Here was a vast multitude crying Hosanna on this occasion, so that it gave occasion to the pharisees to say, “Behold, the world is has gone after him,” John xii. 19. but Christ had, at that time, but few true disciples. And how quickly was this ado at an end! all of this nature is quelled and dead when this Jesus stands bound, with a mock robe and crown of thorns, to be derided, spit upon, scourged, condemned and executed. Indeed, there was a great and loud outcry concerning him among the multitude then, as well as before, but of a very different kind; it is not then Hosanna, Hosanna, but Crucify, Crucify.
And it is the concurring voice of all orthodox divines, that there may be religious affections, which are raised to a very high degree, and yet there be nothing of true religion.
第二部, 記號一(2.01)
It is no sign one way or the other that religious affections are very great, or raised very high.
Some are ready to condemn all high affections: if persons appear to have their religious affections raised to an extraordinary pitch, they are prejudiced against them, and determine that they are delusions without further inquiry. But if it be as has been 51 proved, that true religion lies very much in religious affections, then it follows, that if there be a great deal of true religion, there will be great religious affections; if true religion in the hearts of men be raised to a great height, divine and holy affections will be raised to a great height.
愛是一種情感;但會有任何基督徒說人不該用很高程度的愛去愛 神與耶穌嗎?會有任何基督徒說我們不該對罪惡有強烈的恨惡與深深的憂心嗎?或說我們不該為了 神對我們的憐憫、為了拯救墮落之人所行的大事,而對 神展現很高程度的感謝嗎?或是我們不該有強烈的渴望去跟隨 神,追求聖潔嗎?會有任何基督徒公然宣稱他在信仰上的情感已經夠大而說:「我不需要為了“我沒有因信仰的事更受感動(或繼續產生情感),超過現在的光景”而感到羞愧,我沒有理由因為“沒有展現對 神更大的愛、對罪更大的憂傷、對我已得到的憐憫有更多的感謝”而羞愧」?有誰會稱頌 神說:他因讀到並聽到 神對渺小如蟲卻悖逆的人類所發奇妙的愛,讓祂的獨生愛子為這等人類犧牲性命,又讀到並聽到基督受死的愛,而受的感動已經足夠,甚至禱告求 神不要使他受更大的感動,因為激昂的情感是一種狂熱,對真信仰有害,所以在基督徒中並不適當、極度令人討厭?
Love is an affection; but will any Christian say, men ought not to love God and Jesus Christ in a high degree? and will any say we ought not to have a very great hatred of sin, and a very deep sorrow for it? or that we ought not to exercise a high degree of gratitude to God, for the mercies we receive of him, and the great things he has done for the salvation of fallen men? or that we should not have very great and strong desires after God and holiness? Is there any who will profess that his affections in religion are great enough; and will say, “I have no cause to be humbled that I am no more affected with the things of religion than I am; I have no reason to be ashamed that I have no greater exercises of love to God, and sorrow for sin, and gratitude for the mercies which I have received?” Who is there that will bless God, that he is affected enough with what he has read and heard of the wonderful love of God to worms and rebels, in giving his only begotten Son to die for them, and of the dying love of Christ; and will pray that he may not be affected with them in any higher degree, because high affections are improper, and very unlovely in Christians, being enthusiastical and ruinous to true religion?
我們的經文「說不出來滿有榮光的大喜樂」明白提到強烈與高昂的情感:這種對情感的描述乃是語言所能表達的極致了。聖經也常要求我們展現極高的情感:律法中第一且最重要的誡命便是這樣,「你要盡心、盡性、盡力、盡意愛主─你的 神;」,這裡一句接一句,好像找不到合適的詞語表達我們該如何愛 神似的;聖徒也照樣被呼召要顯出極大的喜樂:基督對門徒說:「應當歡喜,大大快樂」(太五12另譯)。52詩六八3也這樣說:「惟有義人必然歡喜,在 神面前高興快樂。」同一部詩篇也常呼召聖徒要大聲歡呼;路六23還要聖徒因歡喜而跳躍。他們也多次被呼召要因 神的憐憫大大感謝,要「全心讚美 神,高興遵行耶和華的道(代下十七6),心尊主為大(路一46),歌唱讚美祂(詩一○六12),談論祂一切奇妙的作為!(詩一○五2)傳揚祂所行的(賽十二4)」……等等。
Our text plainly speaks of great and high affections, when it speaks of “ rejoicing repining rejoicing with joy unspeakable and full of glory:” here the most superlative expressions are used which language will afford. And the scriptures often require us to exercise very high affections: thus, in the first and great commandment of the law, there is an accumulation of expressions, as though words were wanting to express the degree in which we ought to love God; “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, with all thy soul, with all thy mind, and with all thy strength.” So the saints are called upon to exercise high degrees of joy; “Rejoice,” says Christ to his disciples, “and be exceeding glad,” Matt. v. 12. So it is said, Psalms lxviii. 3. “Let the righteous 52 be glad: let them rejoice before God; yea, let them exceedingly rejoice.” So in the same book of Psalms, the saints are often called upon to shout for joy; and in Luke vi. 23. to leap for joy. So they are abundantly called upon to exercise high degrees of gratitude for mercies, to “praise God with all their hearts, with hearts lifted up in the ways of the Lord, and their souls magnifying the Lord, singing his praises, talking of his wondrous works, declaring his doings,” &c.
我們也發現聖經中最傑出的聖徒常常表明自己極高的情感。詩篇作者就是這樣論到他的愛,彷彿無法形容似的:「我何等愛慕你的律法,終日不住地思想。」(詩一一九97)他也照樣表現出對罪極大的恨惡:「耶和華啊,恨惡你的,我豈不恨惡他們嗎?攻擊你的,我豈不憎嫌他們嗎?我切切地恨惡他們,以他們為仇敵。」(詩一三九21-22)他也表現出對罪極大的憂傷:他論到自己的罪孽,說他的罪「高過他的頭,如同重擔叫他擔當不起;他的終日唉哼,精液耗盡如同夏天的乾旱,」他的骨頭好似被憂傷折斷。照樣,他常用許多他所能想到最強烈的措辭,表現出極大的屬靈渴望,例如「他切慕,他的心在乾旱疲乏無水之地渴想 神,他急切而喘氣(另譯),他的肉體和心腸呼籲,他的心因切慕而心碎」……等等。他也訴說他因別人的罪而在心中產生極大且極度的哀傷「我的眼淚下流成河,因為他們不守你的律法。」(詩一一九136)還有53節「我見惡人離棄你的律法,就怒氣發作,猶如火燒。」他也訴說心中產生的強烈歡喜:「耶和華啊,王必因你的能力歡喜;因你的救恩,他的快樂何其大!」(詩廿一1)「我歌頌你的時候,我的嘴唇和你所贖我的靈魂都必歡呼;」(詩七一23)「因你的慈愛比生命更好,我的嘴唇要頌讚你。我還活的時候要這樣稱頌你;我要奉你的名舉手。53我在床上記念你,在夜更的時候思想你;我的心就像飽足了骨髓肥油,我也要以歡樂的嘴唇讚美你。因為你曾幫助我,我就在你翅膀的蔭下歡呼。」(詩六三3-7)
And we find the most eminent saints in scripture often professing high affections. Thus the Psalmist speaks of his love, as if it were unspeakable; Psalms cxix. 97. “O how love I thy law!” So he expresses a great degree of hatred of sin; Psalms cxxxix. 21,22. “Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with them that rise up against thee? I hate them with perfect hatred.” He also expresses a high degree of sorrow for sin: he speaks of his sins “going over his head, as an heavy burden, that was too heavy for him: and of his roaring all the day, and his moisture’s being turned into the drought of summer,” and his bones being as it were broken with sorrow. So he often expresses great degrees of spiritual desires in a multitude of the strongest expressions which can be conceived of; such as “his longing, his soul’s thirsting in as as a dry and thirsty land, where no water is, his panting, his flesh and heart crying out, his soul’s breaking for the longings it hath,” &c. He expresses the exercises of great and extreme grief for the sins of others, Psalms cxix. 136. “Rivers of water run down mine eyes, because they keep not thy law.” And verse 53. “Horror hath taken hold upon me, because of the wicked that forsake thy law.” He expresses high exercises of joy, Psalms xxi. 1. “The king shall joy in thy strength, and in thy salvation how greatly shall he rejoice!” Psalms lxxi. 23. “My lips shall greatly rejoice, when I sing unto thee.” Psalms lxiii. 3,4,5,6,7. “Because thy loving kindness is better than life: my lips shall praise thee. Thus will I bless thee while I live: I will lift up my hands in thy name. My soul shall be satisfied, as with marrow and fatness; and my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips: when I remember thee 53 upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night watches. Because thou hast been my help; therefore, in the shadow of thy wings, will I rejoice.”
使徒保羅會表達心中產生的強烈情感。他訴說他為別人的益處而心生憐憫與關切,甚至心裡難過痛苦,熱切而豐富的大愛,誠摯深切的渴望,極大的喜樂;他也訴說他因著同情、悲傷、切望,發出如 神那樣的忿恨,火熱,因而心靈歡樂誇勝,殷切期待盼望,多多眼淚,心靈受生產之苦。許多前述的經文已可看到,我就不再重複了。施洗約翰會表現出大喜樂(約三29)。那些用香膏抹耶穌身體的蒙福婦女們,在基督復活的時刻,也被說成是展現極高的信仰情感「婦女們就急忙離開墳墓,又害怕,又大大地歡喜,跑去要報給他的門徒。」(太廿八8)
The apostle Paul expresses high exercises of affection. Thus he expresses the exercises of pity and concern for others’ good, even to anguish of heart; a great, fervent, and abundant love, and earnest and longing desires, and exceeding joy; and speaks of the exultation and triumphs of his soul, and his earnest expectation and hope, and his abundant tears, and the travails of his soul, in pity, grief, earnest desires, godly jealousy, and fervent zeal in many places that have been cited already, and which therefore I need not repeat. John the Baptist expressed great joy, John iii. 29. Those blessed women that anointed the body of Jesus, are represented as in a very high exercise of religious affection, on occasion of Christ’s resurrection; Matt. xxviii. 8. “And they departed from the sepulchre, with fear and great joy.”
聖經常預言 神的教會將來在地上會有一段快樂時光,那時他們將要極度歡樂「知道向你歡呼的,那民是有福的!耶和華啊,他們在你臉上的光裏行走。他們因你的名終日歡樂,因你的公義得以高舉。」(詩八九15-16)「錫安的民哪,應當大大喜樂;耶路撒冷的民哪,應當歡呼。看哪,你的王來到你這裏!他是公義的,並且施行拯救,謙謙和和地騎著驢,就是騎著驢的駒子。」(亞九9)同樣的描述也在聖經多處出現。因為大喜樂是基督福音真實而適當的果子,所以天使稱這福音為「大喜的信息,是關乎萬民的;」
It is often foretold of the church of God, in her future happy seasons here on earth, that they shall exceedingly rejoice; Psalms lxxxix. 15,16. “They shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance. In thy name shall they rejoice all the day: and in thy righteousness shall they be exalted.” Zech. ix. 9. “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh,” &c. The same is represented in innumerable other places. And because high degrees of joy are the proper and genuine fruits of the gospel of Christ, therefore the angel calls this gospel, “good tidings of great joy that should be to all people.”
“天”是信仰臻於完美之處,天上的聖徒與天使因他們所見的景象大受感動,他們也思想 神的完美與作為。他們的愛、他們浩大的喜樂與感激,都純淨如屬天的火焰,他們的讚美被說成是「眾水的聲音,大雷的聲音」。重點是,他們的情感何以遠高過地上聖徒們的情感?只有一個理由,54就是那使他們感動的事物,乃是更按其真實的樣貌呈現在他們眼前,他們的情感也更符合那些事物的本質。因此,如果地上的信仰情感和天上的信仰情感仍是相同的本質與類別,那麼地上的情感愈高昂、程度上愈接近天上的情感,就愈好,因為這樣一來,地上的情感便更符合其真實的樣貌。
The saints and angels in heaven, that have religion in its highest perfection, are exceedingly affected with what they behold and contemplate of God’s perfections and works. They are all as a pure heavenly flame of fire in their love, and in the greatness and strength of their joy and gratitude: their praises are represented “as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder.” Now the only reason why their affections are so much higher than the holy affections of saints on earth, is, they 54 see the things they are affected by, more according to their truth, and have their affections more conformed to the nature of things. And, therefore, if religious affections in men here below, are but of the same nature and kind with theirs, the higher they are, and the nearer they are to theirs in degree, the better; because therein they will be so much the more conformed to truth as theirs are.
From these things it certainly appears that religious affections being in a very high degree is no evidence that they are not such as have the nature of true religion. Therefore they do greatly err, who condemn persons as enthusiasts, merely because their affections are very high.
另一方面,信仰情感也絕不因其巨大而為其屬靈、神聖的的證據。我們按照聖經(聖經乃是我們判斷這等事的明確無誤準繩)可很清楚看出,有些極高昂的信仰情感並不屬靈,也不具有救贖功效。使徒保羅提到加拉太人極高昂的情感時,明白表示他擔憂那情感虛妄徒勞,歸於徒然:「你們當日所誇的福氣在哪裏呢?那時你們若能行,就是把自己的眼睛剜出來給我,也都情願。這是我可以給你們作見證的。」(加四15)而在第11節保羅告訴他們「我為你們害怕,惟恐我在你們身上是枉費了工夫」。照樣,當以色列人看到 神在紅海為他們行了何等奇事,他們便因 神向他們發憐憫而大受感動,在紅海歌唱讚美 神,不過他們很快就忘了 神的作為。照樣,當他們在西乃山看到 神奇妙地向他們顯現時,他們又大受感動,而且似乎得了極大的勇氣,所以當 神向他們提出聖約時,他們帶著極大的熱切回答:「耶和華所吩咐的,我們都必遵行。」(出廿四3,7)這熱切與勇氣都是情感,但如此劇烈的情感怎麼那麼快就消失了?他們怎麼那麼快就轉向別 神 ,繞著他們的金牛犢歡呼喊叫!55許多人因耶穌使拉撒路復活的神蹟受感動,情感極為高昂,並且做了一件了不得的事,就是當耶穌隨後要進耶路撒冷時,他們對基督極為尊崇,覺得腳下之地彷彿沒有資格讓基督所騎的驢子踩踏似的,便砍下棕樹枝,或脫下衣服,鋪在路上,高聲喊叫說「和散那歸於大衛的子孫!」、「奉主名來的是應當稱頌的!」、「高高在上和散那!」而使全城再次歡騰,眾人喧囂。
And, on the other hand, it is no evidence that religious affections are of a spiritual and gracious nature, because they are great. It is very manifest, by the holy scripture, our sure and infallible rule to judge of things of this nature, that there are religious affections, which are very high, that are not spiritual and saving. The apostle Paul speaks of affections in the Galatians, which had been exceedingly elevated, and which yet he manifestly speaks of as fearing that they were vain, and had come to nothing, Gal. iv. 15. “Where is the blessedness you spoke of? for I bear you record that if it had been possible, you would have plucked out your own eyes and have given them to me.” And in the 11th verse he tells them, “he was afraid of them, lest he had bestowed upon them labour in vain.” So the children of Israel were greatly affected with God’s mercy to them, when they had seen how wonderfully he wrought for them at the Red Sea, where they sang God’s praise, though they soon forgot his works. So they were greatly affected again at Mount Sinai, when they saw the marvellous manifestations God made of himself there; and seemed mightily engaged in their minds, and with great forwardness made answer, when God proposed his holy covenant to them, saying, “All that the Lord hath spoken will we do, and be obedient.” But how soon was there an end to all this mighty forwardness and engagedness of affection? how quickly were they turned aside after other gods, rejoicing and shouting around their 55 golden calf! So great multitudes, who were affected with the miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead, were elevated to a high degree, and made a mighty ado, when Jesus presently after entered into Jerusalem, exceedingly magnifying Christ, as though the ground were not good enough for the ass he rode to tread upon; and therefore cut branches of palm trees, and strewed them in the way; yea, pulled off their garments and spread them in the way, and cried with loud voices, “Hosanna to the son of David, blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest;” so as to make the whole city ring again, and put all into an uproar.
We learn by the evangelist John, that the reason why the people made this ado, was because they were affected with the miracle of raising Lazarus, John xii. 18. Here was a vast multitude crying Hosanna on this occasion, so that it gave occasion to the pharisees to say, “Behold, the world is has gone after him,” John xii. 19. but Christ had, at that time, but few true disciples. And how quickly was this ado at an end! all of this nature is quelled and dead when this Jesus stands bound, with a mock robe and crown of thorns, to be derided, spit upon, scourged, condemned and executed. Indeed, there was a great and loud outcry concerning him among the multitude then, as well as before, but of a very different kind; it is not then Hosanna, Hosanna, but Crucify, Crucify.
And it is the concurring voice of all orthodox divines, that there may be religious affections, which are raised to a very high degree, and yet there be nothing of true religion.